

Douglas Dean Johnson on UFOs/Congress & UFO-related misinformation.@ddeanjohnson on Twitter

Project Starlight International (P.S.I.), Fact and Fiction: Daniel H. Harris, Ph.D., Project Starlight Research Director (1977-1978), releases a strongly worded challenge to Ray Stanford's P.S.I. stories and UFO-evidence claims

Project Starlight International (P.S.I.), Fact and Fiction: Daniel H. Harris, Ph.D., Project Starlight Research Director (1977-1978), releases a strongly worded challenge to Ray Stanford's P.S.I. stories and UFO-evidence claims

"I have recently become aware of various interviews in which Ray Stanford has painted a picture of P.S.I. and my participation therein that is very different from the reality that I knew," writes Daniel H. Harris, Ph.D., in a just-released open letter.  Dr. Harris was
20 min read